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Luce Foundation Grant awarded to Dr. Tien D.N. Ho to develop joint TVSEP paper on Vietnam

Luce Foundation Grant awarded to Dr. Tien D.N. Ho to develop joint TVSEP paper on Vietnam

Dr. Tien D.N. Ho and Dr. Trung Thanh Nguyen
Part of the TVSEP team at IUW: Trung Thanh Nguyen, Tien D.N. Ho, Nguyet Minh, Kasem Kunasri (from left)

Dr. Tien D.N. Ho, lecturer at Tien Giang University in Vietnam, has been selected to participate in the one-year Research Collaboration Program on Population, Migration, Health, Conflict & Climate. This program is supported by a Henry Luce Foundation Grant to the University of Utah’s Asia Center which invited IUW to join based on TVSEP data.

Mrs. Tien Ho stayed from 9-15 July 2023 at Leibniz University Hannover to establish, together with her mentors Ulrike Grote and Trung Thanh Nguyen, goals and a timeline for collaboration and training over the next year. By the end of the project, it is the goal to have jointly developed and completed a co-authored paper on the theme of population and/or health and sustainable development.