Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic Panel About News
Invited TVSEP session at the ELG2024

Invited TVSEP session at the ELG2024

Photos: LUH

On 30-31 July, two TVSEP sessions were organized at the International Conference on Economy, Law, and Government 2024 (ELG2024) which was officially held by the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH). Prof. Dr. Javier Revilla Diez from the University of Cologne (UoC) chaired one of the invited TVSEP sessions. Other presenters and participants from the TVSEP team included Nguyet Tran (LUH), Ole Lueck (UoC), Manh Hung Do (LUH) (video picture), and TVSEP data users Vo Thanh Tam (UEH) and Truong Anh Tuan (University of Labour and Social Affairs, HCMC).

Further information, photos, a video  

Agenda of the conference

Published by F. Heinrichs